Thursday, April 4, 2013

Cold Peanut Noodles

Nutty Noodles 

½ lb. of whole-wheat spaghetti
½ cup of organic creamy peanut butter (or almond)
2tsp low sodium soy sauce
1tsp of toasted sesame oil
1 ½ tsp of grated ginger
1 tsp of grated garlic
½ tsp of sugar
1 ½ tsp of chile garlic paste
1/3 cup water

Fill a large pot with water and bring to boil. Put ½ lb of whole-wheat spaghetti in pot and stir every so often. Pasta should be al dente before draining water. Rinse them under cold water in a colander.

 In a large whisk combine peanut butter and all the rest of the ingredients except water. Once combines whisk in the water to thin out the sauce.

Toss the pasta with the sauce in a large bowl. Top with shredded carrots or bok choy. 

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